You know those cosmic happenings when you cross someone's path in some creatively magical way and they change your life forever! Well on this night November 15th it's Hecate's night and She of the crossing paths would say to make offerings to the spirits of the paths that cross. If there is a special place near you where you often meet with friends or family or especially where someone has passed away and you wish to remember them somehow where your paths used to often cross leave a little offering to your someone there. Some people choose to make offerings I've read to Hecate/Hekate especially in Greece to appease Her and honour Her great magic. She honours Spirit Hounds so next time you are out for a walk on this night of all nights remember those doggies you have ever known who have passed over and the homes they lived in with you. It's a special night for your furry angel friends!! Well blessed be the world of magic forever more Amen! Great greetings to all magical folk!!