Sunday, 16 March 2014

Let there be light!

As we look at a brighter day, the dark clouds of the past just whisk away! Look to that dawn of a new day! Let the children play! As we away to new worlds so full of fun that life seems to finally have begun, to show me once more. That which I once knew was faithful and true! As the spring ushers in new light, let those dark deep wounds heal. Keep the zeal! However long your heart has yearned to find true love and have we been burned! but let's melt that candle wax back down and mould a new one to shine again. Carefully we begin a new day, carefully we shed our skin, carefully and kindly we move on. To new shores of beaches golden, where little ones find shells galore to bring them joy for evermore.

Friday, 28 February 2014

Wimmin gather in flocks!

Wimmin tend to gather in flocks like dem birds! Flying through the sky blue and roosting together. Wimmin in your life whether you be a woman or whether you be a man, are curious creatures. We are curious about life what does it all mean! Whether curiousity killed the cat is how careful you need to be! Remember life is the most personal experience! Stay put, ground yourself with the Great mother planet and think a while. See what comes up!! We all know that life is for the everlasting. We are survivors against the greatest of foe, ourselves sometimes! Others can only be a reflection of the self someway. what we do to ourselves inwardly matters to what we see externally. As we create life for ourselves we must be careful of ourselves and others. The more care we give the more we find the care of others around us. Deep dark worlds find the way to the light. Light always shines its way through the darkness! Keep out of my world and I'll keep out of yours! Threaten Us you'll know about it! Feel the ultimate in power your own soul!

Sunday, 26 January 2014

welcome to Hecate's Cave of wonders

welcome to Hecates Cave of Wonders! A delightful place where you can sit by the fireside and warm your tootsies!
Stir the Cauldron, Mix up a brew, the rest well that's up to you!
Hekate's life is full of trouble and strife, some call that a wife! what do we wimmin say they are probably gay!! It takes all sorts of peeps most know how easy life can be when your happy and free of names and stuff for this and that. Let's all remember to wear a funny hat! Free your mind, free your soul, free your body and become whole!
Hekate's wisdom comes from this thing we call Life, live it and see! What life can be, wild and free! Thanks be! For men that care beyond your wildest dreams, for helping me to come clean! for shining stars like the little ones, for me just being me!
I like me you see! I care for all peeps because I care for myself, I honour my beliefs and hence honour those of others!
As you love your self so will you love other people, this teaching of self-love is embodied in the crystal Rose quartz.
Be careful, be kind, keep one in mind. Find yourself happy and still you'll see how happy others can be.
Well welcome to my cave of wonders, may you pass many a happy hour here just dwelling on life!
blessings of the natural world be with you as that after all is where wonder exists. The rainbow of wonders!