Hecate's Cave of Wonders
Monday, 16 December 2024
Tuesday, 15 November 2022
Heckate and Heckatee
Two ladies and Goddess of Wychcraft,
One of purest golden moonbeams, one of innocence and virtue.
The Black night fell on a log and kicked back with a wee tot. He said tis be the night dem wych fly. Doth thee know dat. If ye of virtue hear me now. Hail me moonbeams.
As the clouds cleared, boy there were some dark clouds this day. The Moon beamed a happy face and said tis dun dusted and polished. Where fore art thou Romeo. Sorry bad news name dat boy messed with the owl and the pussycat and their families. PJ Masks on action stations. Owlette spread her wings and flew. Gheko jumped up and said it's mi mucker. Cat boy with pizzazz nipped out back and whispered mieow. PJ Masks on action stations. Here she comes says Owlette dat Luna Girl messing wiv us. Jump back and tell your Dad Mum@s on the Muster. Mum@s wazzed her and kicked back. This end we need more go. TO the cabs. So Luna Girl we meet again. Have I met you somewhere before in eternity? Your face looks familiar and there's that stench in the air of destroyed gold. I was just reading about how the world would divide and those winning tickets know the score. However dat brimstone makes a nice butterfly that flutters by and cheers everyone up on a summer's day. Aloha from the brink! good Positivity here. anything like cards on the menu. It@s A la Carte!! Bob dibbles and co are causing me a mischief. I'm a simple woman just hoping for joy. Can I just ask if you kids are alright now? Good good good. Must dash Rainbow to catch! Back to bed for me all.s good in the End! Forthwith! Ciao! CHou Muckers! BABh dibbley Bob. Over and out.
Tuesday, 16 November 2021
The Crossing paths
You know those cosmic happenings when you cross someone's path in some creatively magical way and they change your life forever! Well on this night November 15th it's Hecate's night and She of the crossing paths would say to make offerings to the spirits of the paths that cross. If there is a special place near you where you often meet with friends or family or especially where someone has passed away and you wish to remember them somehow where your paths used to often cross leave a little offering to your someone there. Some people choose to make offerings I've read to Hecate/Hekate especially in Greece to appease Her and honour Her great magic. She honours Spirit Hounds so next time you are out for a walk on this night of all nights remember those doggies you have ever known who have passed over and the homes they lived in with you. It's a special night for your furry angel friends!! Well blessed be the world of magic forever more Amen! Great greetings to all magical folk!!
Sunday, 16 March 2014
Let there be light!
Friday, 28 February 2014
Wimmin gather in flocks!
Sunday, 26 January 2014
welcome to Hecate's Cave of wonders
Stir the Cauldron, Mix up a brew, the rest well that's up to you!
Hekate's life is full of trouble and strife, some call that a wife! what do we wimmin say they are probably gay!! It takes all sorts of peeps most know how easy life can be when your happy and free of names and stuff for this and that. Let's all remember to wear a funny hat! Free your mind, free your soul, free your body and become whole!
Hekate's wisdom comes from this thing we call Life, live it and see! What life can be, wild and free! Thanks be! For men that care beyond your wildest dreams, for helping me to come clean! for shining stars like the little ones, for me just being me!
I like me you see! I care for all peeps because I care for myself, I honour my beliefs and hence honour those of others!
As you love your self so will you love other people, this teaching of self-love is embodied in the crystal Rose quartz.
Be careful, be kind, keep one in mind. Find yourself happy and still you'll see how happy others can be.
Well welcome to my cave of wonders, may you pass many a happy hour here just dwelling on life!
blessings of the natural world be with you as that after all is where wonder exists. The rainbow of wonders!